Training lawyers during the on-boarding process is challenging… to say the least.
We don't want to give too much information, but there are things they must know -- and while increased exposure to technology at school and home may help in some ways, in others it compounds the complexity. Join us at our July 13 meeting to hear how one international law firm has forged a union between the Professional Development and IT Training departments, and developed a program that fully engages the attorney during the induction process and how key training points are addressed. We'll also want to hear from you, and any new processes you're trying at your firm. Our speakers will be: Jessica Vanto -- US Professional Development Manager at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, US LLP. Jessica is an arbitration attorney with significant litigation experience. Roseann Wingate, US Service Delivery Manager / Trainer. Roseann has provided training, management, and support in the legal industry for years.
Marriage of Professional Development and IT Training PDF
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