COVID -19 has created a new normal in our personal and professional lives. We face new challenges every day, if not every hour, while providing assistance to our teams, colleagues, and firms.
Join PLTG in the month of April for a two-part, virtual conversation.
Our Lessons Learned…So Far Friday, April 3rd 10 am to 11 am What have you learned from your efforts to get all firm users “remote-ready.” What insights have you gained and what would you do differently next time?
How Do We Make the Lessons Stick for Our Users? Friday, April 17th 10 am to 11 am Users have updated their skills and learned new ways to approach their work. How do we reinforce the new skills and habits we want them to keep when we return to our buildings?
This meeting will use Zoom. Please, make sure to sign in at least 5 minutes before the meeting start time.
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