You are losing irreplaceable institutional knowledge. Stop the loss through rapid job task analysis.
Use rapid job task analysis to create a competency model in weeks, make it actionable, and achieve a culture of learning.
Together we will…
uncover the steps to create the competency model to protect the knowledge and best practices of those set to retire, practice rapid job task analysis, and discuss how to make your competency models actionable and strategic.
Known side effects:
employees who own their development and career planning, accelerating learning transfer, closing of skill gaps, intrinsically driving motivation, and increasing employee engagement and retention.
For the past four years, Nick Stanziani has been working on developing and implementing better ways to support the firm's strategic objectives within the functional area of Learning and Development. Nick Stanziani is the Director of Learning and Development for Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP and has 19-years of learning and development related experience specific to law firms.
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