How do we lift ourselves and our learners up and out from under the anxiety and stress that can sabotage our work and our learning?
Join experts including Janis Richman of Capensys and workplace meditation teacher Justin Taylor to learn:
- The causes of stress
- Its effects on us and our learners
- Using “mindful learning” development strategies and classroom stress-reduction tactics
Be prepared for an interactive, yet relaxing, session.
Janis Richman
Janis is a masterful coach, facilitator and educator. She is an advocate of using neuroscience principles and brain-compatible strategies to engage and motivate adult learners and to enhance trainers' abilities to create learning strategies that increase learning and adoption. She works with individuals, groups and corporate teams to pinpoint their goals and clarify their visions. Her transformational techniques allow people to see consistent positive shifts in their lives with immediate results and less effort. Her approach supports clients in realizing their full potential -- moving beyond their limitations -- to achieve their personal and business goals.
Janis has masters degrees in Clinical Psychology and Health Services Administration. She worked as a behavioral therapist before becoming a corporate trainer, developing innovative methodologies for improving how people learn technology. She is a certified results coach and consultant, a certified conscious aging facilitator, and a licensed spiritual counselor. Janis has received her certificate in neuroscience from The Neuroscience Academy.
Justin Taylor
Justin's mission is to elevate the well-being of the planet by making meditation so easy and enjoyable your grandma could do it.
He is a professional meditation teacher and leadership coach in the workplace, at retreats, and one-on-one. He has taught at over 50 major corporations and businesses around NYC such as Facebook, PWC and JPMorgan.
He is a senior teacher at MNDFL where he shares meditations from Tibetan Buddhism (Chagdud Gonpa), a tradition in which he completed 18 months of personal retreat, and shares “The Work” of Byron Katie, an inquiry-based mindset transformation technique which he facilitates.